Samet Faruque
Sep 13, 2021

#hikingadventures Woman sees a very happy 'baby bird' then quickly realixes he’s not what he seems. Beechey couldn’t believe her luck and quickly grabbed her phone. She got ready to snap a photo of the cute little bird, who seemed to be smiling at her, then zoomed in to get a better look. That’s when she realized that, sadly, her new bird friend wasn’t a bird at all.
“It wasn’t until I focused the photo and wondered why it wasn’t flying away that I realized it was, in fact, just a banksia pod,” Beechey said. “Just a cute, adorable banksia pod.” (source: The Dodo)

Go on hiking explore the earth 🌎

Samet Faruque

A teacher, Imam, Engineering graduate, writer, Qur'an tutor, and more :) Welcome to my page.